本帖最后由 WHY 于 2021-10-10 21:55 编辑
Test.vbs- Rem On Error Resume Next
- Dim srcDir, dstDir
- srcDir = "E:\Test\新建文件夹" '源文件夹路径,需替换为实际路径
- dstDir = "E:\Test\新建文件夹1" '目标文件夹路径
- Dim wsc
- Set wsc = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
- If WSH.Arguments.Count = 0 Then
- wsc.Run "cscript " & chr(34) & WSH.ScriptFullName & chr(34) & " ARG", 0
- WScript.Quit
- End If
- Dim dic1, fso
- Set dic1 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
- Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- Dim reg
- Set reg = New RegExp
- reg.Pattern = "[ \t]+"
- reg.Global = True
- Dim objExec
- If Not fso.FolderExists(srcDir) Then MsgBox "源文件夹不存在" : WSH.Quit
- wsc.Run "cmd /c md " & chr(34) & dstDir & chr(34) & " 2>nul", 0 '创建目标文件夹
- Set objExec = wsc.Exec( "cmd /c dir /b /a-d /s " & chr(34) & srcDir & "\*.txt" & chr(34) ) '遍历源文件夹
- Rem 字典dic1,key=文件名,value=文件路径
- Dim strFilePath, strFileName
- Do Until objExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream
- strFilePath = objExec.StdOut.ReadLine
- strFileName = fso.GetFile(strFilePath).Name
- strFileName = LCase(strFileName)
- If Not dic1.Exists(strFileName) Then
- dic1.Add strFileName, strFilePath
- Else
- dic1.Item(strFileName) = dic1.Item(strFileName) & vbLf & strFilePath
- End If
- Loop
- Rem 遍历字典dic1
- Dim key
- For Each key In dic1.Keys
- GetFileContent key, Split( Dic1.Item(key), vbLf )
- Next
- Function GetFileContent(fileName, ByRef arrFilePath)
- Dim dic2, i, objFile, strLine
- Set dic2 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
- For i = 0 To UBound(arrFilePath)
- Set objFile = fso.OpenTextFile(arrFilePath(i), 1)
- Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream
- strLine = objFile.ReadLine
- strLine = reg.Replace(strLine, "|") '空格替换为"|"
- If UBound(Split(strLine, "|")) >= 2 And InStr(strLine, "-QQ") <= 0 Then '如果大于等于3列、不含 "-QQ"
- strLine = Replace(Replace(strLine,"SZ", "0|"),"SH", "1|") '替换 "SZ" 和 "SH"
- If Not dic2.Exists(strLine) Then '字典dic2,用于去重复
- dic2.Add strLine, True
- End If
- End If
- Loop
- objFile.Close
- Set objFile = Nothing
- Next
- fso.OpenTextFile(dstDir & "\" & fileName, 2, True).Write( Join(dic2.Keys, vbCrLf) ) '保存
- Set dic2 = Nothing
- End Function
- MsgBox "Done"
复制代码 Test.PS1- $dt = get-Date;
- $srcDir = 'E:\Test\新建文件夹';
- $dstDir = 'E:\Test\新建文件夹1';
- If (![IO.Directory]::Exists($dstDir)){ $null = md $dstDir }
- $dic = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, [Collections.ArrayList]]';
- forEach( $file In (dir $srcDir -Recurse -Filter '*.txt') ){
- $Name = $file.BaseName.ToUpper();
- $Path = $file.FullName;
- if( !$dic.ContainsKey($Name) ){
- $dic.Add($Name, @($Path));
- } else {
- [void]$dic[$Name].Add($Path);
- }
- }
- forEach( $key In $dic.Keys ){
- $Hash = @{};
- for( $i=0; $i -lt $dic[$key].Count; $i++ ){
- $arr = [IO.File]::ReadAllLines($dic[$key][$i], [Text.Encoding]::Default);
- $arr = $arr -match '^(?:(?!-QQ)\S)+\s+\S+\s+\S+';
- $arr = $arr -replace '\s+', '|' -replace 'SZ', '0|' -replace 'SH', '1|';
- $Count = $arr.Count;
- for( $j=0; $j -lt $Count; $j++ ){
- if( !$Hash.ContainsKey($arr[$j]) ){
- $Hash.Add($arr[$j], $True);
- }
- }
- }
- [IO.File]::WriteAllLines( $dstDir + '\' + $key + '.txt', $Hash.Keys );
- }
- ((get-Date) - $dt).TotalSeconds;