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实在搞不掂 getmail ,哪个翻译下,并做个应用实例?!~
- description
- installation
- what's new in this version
- usage
- examples
- copyright
- author and availablity
Getmail is a Windows 95/NT console utility to download the contents of a pop3
mailbox. It's ideal for scripts which need to get input from a mail message.
Using your language of choice, it allows you to add email capability to any
process (mail responders, or even lists). Configuration information can be
saved in the registry.
1) Copy the file "gwinsock.dll" to your "\WINNT\SYSTEM32" directory, or to any
other directory in your path. (Check if you already have it and only copy
the DLL if the date is more recent than the existing one)
2) Copy the file "Getmail.exe" to your "\WINNT\SYSTEM32" directory, or to any
other directory in your path.
3) Run "Getmail -install yourhost.site.blah.blah youremail@site.blah.blah yourpassword"
It's recommended to put a fake password in here, and then provide the password each
time you run Getmail, for obvious security reasons.
You can optionally specify some other parameters. In order, then are "delete",
"Xtract", "Tries", "Port", and "Profile". delete/xtract are either "-","Yes",
or "No". Tries is a number, or "-" for the default of 1. Specifying a "Profile"
will allow the settings to be saved with a different profile name.
Getmail -u <user> -p <password> -s <server> [optional switches (see below)]
Getmail -install [ see install details below ]
Getmail -profile [-delete | "<default>"] [profile1] [profileN] [-q]
Getmail -h [-q]
-install <server> <userid> <password> [<delete> [<xtract> [<try> [<port> [<profile>]]]]]
: set's POP3 server, login, password, whether to delete or not (Yes/No),
whether to automatically extract base64/7bit/UU encoded files or not (Yes/No),
number of tries and port for profile
(<delete> <xtract> <try> and <port> may be replaced by '-').
-u <userid> : Specify userid on remote pop3 host
-pw <password>: Specify password for userid on remote mail host
-s <server> : Specify mail server (pop3) to contact
-nodelete : Do not delete messages after downloading (default)
-delete : Delete messages after downloading
-noxtract : Do not extract base64//7bitUU files after downloading (default)
-xtract : Extract base64//7bitUU encoded files after downloading messages
-h : displays this help.
-q : supresses *all* output.
-p <profile> : send with SMTP server, user and port defined in <profile>.
-port <port> : port to be used on the server, defaults to POP3 (110)
-try <n times>: how many attempts to access mail. from '1' to 'INFINITE'
Getmail -install smtphost.bar.com foo@bar.com password // Sets host, userid, and password
Getmail -install smtphost.bar.com foo@bar.com password Yes Yes 3 110
// Sets host, userid, and password. Automatic deletion after download, and extraction of files
// 3 attempts will be made before giving up, using port 110 work
Getmail -install smtphost.bar.com foo@bar.com password Yes Yes 3 110
// As prior, but saving profile with name "work"
Getmail -pw realpassword
// Get the mail, using configured host/userid, etc, but using the password specified.
Getmail -pw realpassword -xtract
// Get the mail, using configured host/userid, etc, but using the password specified.
// Automatically extract binary attachments
Getmail is free for non-commercial use. If you use it in a business environment, then
a fee of $50 USD is payable to Tim Charron.
Tim Charron
1911 Bough Beeches Blvd
Mississauga, Ontario
L4W 2J8
The author of the package is not responsible for any damage or losses that
the usage of Getmail may cause.
GetMail is written by Tim Charron (tcharron@interlog.com)
It is available from http://www.interlog.com/~tcharron/getmail.html |