- <!--////////程序说明/////////====
- Intro 进程管理器:获取进程信息,支持网络查询,支持强制结束进程
- FileName 进程管理器
- Author 2laoshi
- Version ver1.0
- Web http://www.2laoshi.cn
- MadeTime 2008-11-6~2008-11-7
- <!--//////////设置hta格式////////////-->
- SCROLL="no"
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- MinimizeButton="no"
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- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
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- </style>
- <!--//////////函数区////////////-->
- <script language="vbscript">
- URL="http://www.baidu.com/s?wd="
- set objWMIS=GetObject("winmgmts:\\.")
- set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- set wsh=CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
- Sub Window_onLoad
- window.resizeTo 550,420
- ileft=(window.screen.width-550)/2
- itop=(window.screen.height-445)/2
- window.moveTo ileft,itop
- GetProcList()
- End Sub
- Sub Window_onUnLoad
- set fso=nothing
- set wsh=nothing
- End Sub
- '添加表格行;
- Function addRow(str1,str2,str3,flag,flag2)
- set newrow=MyTable.insertRow()
- set newcell=newrow.insertCell()
- newcell.innerHTML=str1
- set newcell=newrow.insertCell()
- newcell.innerHTML=str2
- if flag=1 then newcell.style.backgroundcolor="#ccd2ad"
- set newcell=newrow.insertCell()
- newcell.ondblclick=getRef("OpenFolder")
- newcell.style.cursor="hand"
- if flag2=1 then newcell.style.backgroundcolor="#acd2ad"
- newcell.innerHTML=str3
- End Function
- '获取进程列表
- Function GetProcList()
- for i =1 to MyTable.rows.length-1
- MyTable.deleteRow()
- next
- set ColProc=objWMIS.InstancesOf("Win32_Process")
- for each objProc in ColProc
- flag2=0
- Pname=objProc.name
- PID=objProc.ProcessID
- Ppath=objProc.ExecutablePath
- if isNull(Ppath) then
- Ppath=""
- else
- if lcase(fso.getfile(Ppath).drive)<>"c:" then flag2=1
- end if
- colProperties=objProc.GetOwner(strNameOfUser,strUserDomain)
- Puser=Lcase(strNameOfUser)
- select case Puser
- case "system" Puser="系统进程"
- case "local service" Puser="本地服务"
- case "network service" Puser="网络服务"
- case else Puser="用户进程"
- end select
- str1="<input type=checkbox id="&PID&">"
- str2="<a title="&Puser&"。点击到百度查看详细说明 href="&URL&Pname&">"&Pname&"</a>"
- str3="<a title=双击打开文件夹>"&Ppath&"</a>"
- if lcase(Pname)<>"system idle process" then
- if Puser="用户进程" then
- addRow str1,str2,str3,1,flag2
- else
- addRow str1,str2,str3,2,flag2
- end if
- end if
- next
- End Function
- '打开文件夹,并选择指定文件;
- Function OpenFolder()
- wsh.run "Explorer.exe /select,"&me.innertext
- End Function
- Function KillProc()
- for i=1 to MyTable.rows.length-1
- if MyTable.rows(i).cells(0).children(0).checked=true then
- PIDArr=PIDArr&MyTable.rows(i).cells(0).children(0).id&","
- end if
- next
- if PIDArr then
- PIDArr=left(PIDArr,(len(PIDArr)-1))
- else
- exit function
- end if
- PIDArr=split(PIDArr,",")
- set ColProc=objWMIS.InstancesOf("Win32_Process")
- for each objProc in ColProc
- PID=objProc.ProcessID
- for i=0 to UBound(PIDArr)
- if PID=int(PIDArr(i)) then
- objProc.terminate
- set objindex=document.getelementbyid(PIDArr(i))
- index=objindex.parentelement.parentelement.rowindex
- MyTable.deleteRow(index)
- end if
- next
- next
- End Function
- Function KillProc2()
- for i=1 to MyTable.rows.length-1
- if MyTable.rows(i).cells(0).children(0).checked=true then
- id=MyTable.rows(i).cells(0).children(0).id
- wsh.run "ntsd -c q -p "&id,0
- MyTable.deleteRow(i)
- end if
- next
- End Function
- </script>
- <!--//////////版面设计区////////////-->
- <title>进程管理器</title>
- <body topmargin="2" rightmargin="0" leftmargin="0" oncontextmenu=self.event.returnvalue=false>
- <div id=toper>进程管理器processorManager(ver1.0)</div>
- <div id=content>
- <TABLE id="Ttable" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=0 width=100%>
- <TR>
- <TD width=40>全选</TD>
- <TD width=120>进程名</TD>
- <TD width=300>进程所在</TD>
- <TD width=13></TD></Tr>
- </TABLE>
- <div class="div_class">
- <TABLE id="mytable" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=0 width=100% style="margin-top:-22">
- <TR title="这一行只是演示,所有数据不保存">
- <TD width=32><input type=checkbox></TD>
- <TD width=45>1000000000000000</TD>
- <TD width=243>cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc</TD>
- </TABLE>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id=rightbox1>
- <p align=center style="margin-top:5;">程序简介
- <hr>
- <p style="color:red;">程序功能:
- <p>列举、结束、强制结束、在线查询进程;获取进程文件所在路径;
- <hr>
- <p style="color:red;">程序运行:
- <p>基于hta+vbs编写,需WSH支持;XP下测试通过。
- <hr>
- <p style="color:red;">作者信息:
- <p><a href="http://www.2laoshi.cn" title="访问作者博客">2laoshi(youxi01)</a>
- </div>
- <div id=rightbox2>
- <div class="div_button">
- <input type=submit value="更新列表" class="button" onclick=GetProcList></div>
- <div class="div_button">
- <input type=submit value="结束进程" class="button" onclick=killProc></div>
- <div class="div_button">
- <input type=submit value="强制结束" class="button" onclick=KillProc2></div>
- <div class="div_button">
- <input type=submit value="退出程序" class="button" onclick=self.close></div>
- </div>