参考vb代码改成的vbs:利用 VB 编写“文本朗读精灵
一个语音引擎只能朗读一种语言,英文引擎不能朗读中文,同样中文引擎不能朗读英文,要朗读中英文混合的文本,必须进行分词,再分别选择相应语言的引擎。- set objVoice = CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")
- set colVoice = objVoice.GetVoices() '获得语音引擎集合
- objVoice.Volume = 100 '设置音量,0到100,数字越大音量越大
- '得到所需语音引擎的编号
- langCN = "MSSimplifiedChineseVoice" '简体中文
- langEN = "MSSam" '如果安装了TTS Engines 5.1,还可以选择MSMike,MSMary
- for i=0 to colVoice.count-1
- if Right(colVoice(i).Id, len(langCN)) = langCN then cnVoice = i
- if Right(colVoice(i).Id, len(langEN)) = langEN then enVoice = i
- next
- '此函数用来检测是否为中文
- function isChinese(word)
- If Len(Hex(Asc(word))) > 2 Then
- isChinese = True
- Else
- isChinese = False
- End If
- end function
- strSource = "你真牛逼! I 服了 you! " '测试文本
- strDest = Mid(strSource, 1, 1)
- strSelect = ""
- splitKey = "/////" '设置对strSource按中文和英文进行分割的关键词,不要用strSource中出现的字词
- '以下for语句功能是把strSource中的中英文用splitKey分开
- For i = 2 To Len(strSource)
- strSelect = Mid(strSource, i, 1)
- If isChinese(strSelect) Then '如果是中文
- If isChinese(Right(strDest, 1)) Then '如果前一个字符是中文
- strDest = strDest & strSelect
- Else
- strDest = strDest & splitKey & strSelect
- End If
- Else
- If isChinese(Right(strDest, 1)) Then '前一个字符是中文
- strDest = strDest & splitKey & strSelect
- Else
- strDest = strDest & strSelect
- End If
- End If
- Next
- '将分开的strSource进行分组,并保存为数组形式
- arrDest = Split(strDest, splitKey)
- OK = True '设置OK为true的时候读中文
- If isChinese(arrDest(0)) Then
- OK = True
- Else
- OK = False
- End If
- '以下语句是逐组朗读
- For Each p In arrDest
- If OK Then
- set objVoice.Voice = colVoice.Item(cnVoice) '设置语音引擎为简体中文
- objVoice.Speak(p)
- OK = False
- Else
- set objVoice.Voice = colVoice.Item(enVoice)
- objVoice.Speak(p)
- OK = True
- End If
- Next