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[网络工具] 支持命令行下载的图形工具:idman.exe

  1. 名字→IDMan
  2. 版本→5.08
  3. 简介→IDMan是命令行下的下载工具,下载速度快
  4. 详细介绍和用法:
  5. You may start IDM from the command line using the following parameters
  6. idman /s
  7. or idman /d URL [/p local_path] [/f local_file_name] [/q] [/h] [/n] [/a]
  8. Parameters:
  9. /d URL - downloads a file
  10.          e.g. IDMan.exe /d "http://www.internetdownloadmanager.com/path/File Name.zip"
  11. /s - starts queue in scheduler
  12. /p local_path - defines the local path where to save the file
  13. /f  local_file_name - defines the local file name to save the file
  14. /q - IDM will exit after the successful downloading. This parameter works only for the first copy
  15. /h - IDM will hang up your connection after the successful downloading
  16. /n - turns on the silent mode when IDM doesn't ask any questions
  17. /a - add a file specified with /d to download queue, but don't start downloading
  18. Parameters /a, /h, /n, /q, /f local_file_name,  /p local_path work only if you specified the file to download with /d URL
  19. Examples:
  20. C:\>idman.exe /n /d http://www.tonec.com/download/idman317.exe

