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[文件操作] 操作PDF文件的批处理命令行工具mbtPdfAsm_1.0.28


mbtPDFasm -[mM]mask -ddest [-a] [-as] [-b] [-z] [-r] [-onomFichier][-oO]
[-pListePages] [-snomFichier] [-c[RUOL]param] [-g[HACFKNST]] [-u[PK]]
[-lPx] [-S] [-ttexte] [-T[cfosxy]valeur] [-n] [-N[0cfsxy]valeur] [-Rvaleur]


a: assemble file without sorting them.
s: files are assembled in an order corresponding to mask order. (version >= 1.0.21)
b: allow to specify a base directory from which the selection mask is applied. (version >= 1.0.21).
c: allow to handle acces restrictions (revisions 2 and 3 of the standard handler)
R: allow to define the restrictions
a: add annotations or forms
m: modify
p: print
s: select and extract Sample, the selector -cRamps in the command line apply all the restrictions. In the merging process, if a file having restriction is processed, and if this resrtictions are more restrictive than those specified on the command line, the most restrictive restriction are used.
U: opening password
O: modifiying restriction password
L: specifying the encryption key length. Only 5 (40 bits) and 16 (128 bits) are supported by Acrobat.
g: allows to get an information form the file(s) matching the mask(s) (version >= 1.0.5). The informations are printed on the standart output separated by a \r\n.
A: Author.
C: encryption informations (handler, key length, user password).
H: Header line for the displayed informations.
F: file name.
K: Keywords.
N: number of pages in the file.
O: the outlines of the files in the format defined for the application.
S: Subject.
T: Title.
l: allows to limit th number of page(s) in the resultings pdf file(s). This commutator switch mbtPdfAsm un SPLIT mode. In this mode ths number of produced files is the number of pages corresponding to the pdf files selected by mask(s) or script divided by x, + 1. (version >= 1.0.11).
Px: x allows to specify the number of pages by resulting file.
n: insert a number from 0 in the assembled page (version >= 1.0.17, experimental). According to some properties of your PDF file, it is possible that some coordinates are invisible.
N: (EXPERIMENTAL version >= 1.0.21) allows to format the numbering displayed with the -n option.
0x: first number displayed.
c: color of the text, a string of three integer from [0, 255]. (0,0,0 by default)
f: font for display the text. (4 by default)
s: size of the text. (10 by default)
x: abscisse of the text. (10 by default)
y: ordonné of the text. (10 by default)
o: allows to specify the name of a file of description of outlines.
oO: allow to keep the outlines (version >= 1.0.9).
p: allows to specify a list of pages to be extracted from the files matching the mask of the -m option. Such a list has the same syntax as a page list of a script file except that the space are replaced by ’;’.
r: seek the files in under repertories.
R: Rotate all the pages of the destination file. Value is 90, 180 or 270.
s: allows to specify the name of a file of script. This name must not begin by A, K, S, or T. If the update mode is set on, this options is used to specify the metadata to be updated. In the specification the space must be substituted by ’_’.
A: specify Author.
K: specify Keywords.
S: specify Subject.
T: specify Title.
S: launch the application in silent mode, nothing is diplayed. (version >= 1.0.12)
t: (EXPERIMENTAL version >= 1.0.16). Allow to set a text that will be added on the bottom of the assembled pages. The used font is Helvetica 10. According to some properties of your PDF file, it is possible that some coordinates are invisible.
T: (EXPERIMENTAL version >= 1.0.16) allows to format the text displayed with the -t option.
c: color of the text, a string of three integer from [0, 255]. (0,0,0 by default)
f: font for display the text. (4 by default)
o: orientation of the texte, a number comprised between 0° and 90°. (0 by default)
s: size of the text. (10 by default)
x: abscisse of the text. (10 by default)
y: ordonné of the text. (10 by default)
u: set update mode on (version >= 1.0.6).
P: erase the metadata data with no value specified on the command line (version >= 1.0.8).
K: erase the original file (version >= 1.0.8), otherwise a pdfbak file is saved.
z: opposite the order alpha of the files to be assembled.


Example 1: order simple assembly
c:\rep1\rep2>mbtPdfAsm -mpage.*\.pdf -dres.pdf

The line above makes it possible to assemble all the files corresponding to the mask page*.pdf in the directory c:\rep1\rep2. These files are assembled alphabetically. The file result of the assembly is recorded in the file res.pdf.

c:\rep1\rep2>mbtPdfAsm -Mpage*.pdf -dres.pdf

Example 2: order recursive assembly
c:\rep1\rep2>mbtPdfAsm -mpage.*\.pdf -dres.pdf -r

The line above makes it possible to assemble all the files corresponding to the mask page*.pdf in the directory c:\rep1\rep2 and its under repertories. These files are assembled alphabetically. The file result of the assembly is recorded in the file res.pdf.

Example 3: order assembly with insertion of outlines
c:\rep1\rep2>mbtPdfAsm -mpage.*\.pdf -dres.pdf -osignets.txt

The line above makes it possible to assemble all the files corresponding to the mask page*.pdf in the directory c:\rep1\rep2. These files are assembled alphabetically. Once the assembled files the application produces the outlines, starting from the file signets.txt, and incorporates them in the file result. The file result of the assembly is recorded in the file res.pdf.

1 0 1 1 introduction
2 1 1 1 première page de l'intro
3 1 2 2 deuxième page de l'intro
4 0 2 3 thèse
5 0 3 9 antithèse
6 0 4 11 conclusion
7 0 5 12 annexes

This file comprises 7 outlines of which 5 (1, 3-7) are attached to level 0, i.e. are outlines root. outlines 2 and 3 are under outlines of outline 1.

Among the outlines roots, outline 1 has row 1, outline 4 row 2, outline 5 row 3, outline 6 row 4, and outline 7 row 5.

Among under outlines of outline 1, outline 2 has row 1, outline 3 row 2.

Outline 1 has like cible/destination page 1 of the file res.pdf, outline 2 page 1, outline 3 page 2, outline 4 page 3, outline 5 page 9, outline 6 page 11, and outline 7 page 12.

Outline 1 will be displayed with the title ’ introduction’, outline 2 with the title ’ first page of the introduction’, and so on…

Example 4: extraction command
c:\rep1\rep2>mbtPdfAsm -mpage.*\.pdf -gHFN

This command line allows to get a list of N + 1 lines on the standard output. The first line is a header, naming the columns. Each of the following line comprises the name of a file (F), and the number of pages of this file (N). The fields are separated by ’;’.

Example 5: update command
c:\rep1\rep2>mbtPdfAsm -mpage.*\.pdf -u -sAThierry_SCHMIT -cRp -cOpassword

This command line allows to update the files matching the mask. The author of this file is now ’Thierry SCHMIT’, the printing is restricted, the password to setup the restrictions is ’password’.







