标题: [问题求助] 用powershell判断网卡状态来连接wifi [打印本页]
作者: 小白龙 时间: 2025-1-11 12:00 标题: 用powershell判断网卡状态来连接wifi
是这样的, 我的电脑上安装有一个USB的无线网卡, 还有一个有线网卡, 我想实现一个功能,
如果有线网卡能正常上网, USB的无线网卡就连接名为AAA的无线网络(密码111),
如果有线网卡不能正常上网, USB的无线网卡就连接名为BBB的无线网络(密码222),
powershell或cmd能实现上述功能吗? 怎么判断有线网卡能不能上网呢? 还有连接wifi用什么命令呢
作者: 小白龙 时间: 2025-1-11 21:01
下面是ai写的, 不行- function Test-WiredConnection {
- $pingResult = Test-Connection -ComputerName -Count 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
- return $pingResult.StatusCode -eq 0
- }
- function Connect-Wifi {
- param (
- [string]$SSID,
- [string]$Password
- )
- $profileXml = @"
- <XML>
- <WLANProfile xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/networking/WLAN/profile/v1">
- <name>$SSID</name>
- <SSIDConfig>
- <SSID>
- <name>$SSID</name>
- </SSID>
- </SSIDConfig>
- <connectionType>ESS</connectionType>
- <connectionMode>manual</connectionMode>
- <MSM>
- <security>
- <authEncryption>
- <authentication>WPA2PSK</authentication>
- <encryption>AES</encryption>
- <useOneX>false</useOneX>
- </authEncryption>
- <sharedKey>
- <keyType>passPhrase</keyType>
- <protected>false</protected>
- <keyMaterial>$Password</keyMaterial>
- </sharedKey>
- </security>
- </MSM>
- </WLANProfile>
- </XML>
- "@
- $profilePath = "$env:TEMP\$SSID.xml"
- $profileXml | Set-Content -Path $profilePath -Encoding UTF8
- netsh wlan add profile filename="$profilePath" > $null
- netsh wlan connect name=$SSID > $null
- }
- if (Test-WiredConnection) {
- Write-Host "Wired connection is active. Connecting to AAA..."
- Connect-Wifi -SSID "AAA" -Password "111"
- } else {
- Write-Host "Wired connection is inactive. Connecting to BBB..."
- Connect-Wifi -SSID "BBB" -Password "222"
- }
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