标题: [文件操作] [已解决]拖拉文件到bat脚本执行复制到指定目录代码修改求助 [打印本页]
作者: smdx 时间: 2023-3-16 00:36 标题: [已解决]拖拉文件到bat脚本执行复制到指定目录代码修改求助
代码1 只可以复制单个文件、目录可以保持原目录结构复制到指定目录;
代码2 可以复制多个文件、目录只把下一层的内容复制到指定目录。
代码1,文件只能单个复制,目录能保持原结构复制。- @echo off
- setlocal
- rem check if the script received a valid file or directory path
- if not "%~1"=="" (
- set "source=%~1"
- ) else (
- echo No file or directory path specified.
- pause
- exit /b 1
- )
- rem check if the source path exists
- if not exist "%source%" (
- echo The source path does not exist: %source%
- pause
- exit /b 1
- )
- rem create or validate the test directory
- set "testdir=E:\test"
- if not exist "%testdir%" (
- md "%testdir%"
- )
- rem copy the file or directory to the test directory
- if exist "%source%\*.*" (
- xcopy /E /Y "%source%" "%testdir%\%~nx1\"
- ) else (
- copy /Y "%source%" "%testdir%\"
- )
- echo Successfully copied %source% to %testdir%
- pause
- exit /b
代码2,可以复制多个文件,目录只复制下一层内容到目标目录。- @echo off
- set "dest=E:\test"
- :loop
- IF "%~1"=="" GOTO done
- IF EXIST "%dest%\%~nx1" (
- set /p overwrite="File %~nx1 already exists in destination folder. Overwrite? (y/n): "
- IF /i "%overwrite%"=="y" (
- copy /y "%~1" "%dest%"
- shift
- Goto loop
- ) ELSE (
- shift
- Goto loop
- )
- ) ELSE (
- copy /y "%~1" "%dest%"
- shift
- Goto loop
- )
- :done
- echo File(s) copied to %dest%
- exit
作者: 77七 时间: 2023-3-16 07:22
本帖最后由 77七 于 2023-3-16 07:30 编辑
如果不需要判断是否已存在于目的文件夹,试试这样行吗- @echo off
- set "test=D:\123"
- for %%a in (%*) do (
- if exist "%%a\" (
- robocopy "%%a" "%test%\%%~nxa" /e
- ) else (
- robocopy "%cd%" "%test%" "%%~nxa"
- )
- )
- pause
作者: smdx 时间: 2023-3-16 09:03
77七 发表于 2023-3-16 07:22
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