标题: [文件操作] 批处理怎么把多个目录内图片批量打印? [打印本页]
作者: gxp181 时间: 2019-2-24 12:56 标题: 批处理怎么把多个目录内图片批量打印?
作者: ivor 时间: 2019-2-24 13:23
本帖最后由 ivor 于 2019-2-24 13:34 编辑
PS- function print-image {
- param([string]$imageName = $(throw "Enter image name to print"),
- [string]$printer = "",
- [bool]$fitImageToPaper = $true)
- trap { break; }
- # check out Lee Holmes' blog(http://www.leeholmes.com/blog/HowDoIEasilyLoadAssembliesWhenLoadWithPartialNameHasBeenDeprecated.aspx)
- # on how to avoid using deprecated "LoadWithPartialName" function
- # To load assembly containing System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument
- [void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing")
- # Bitmap image to use to print image
- $bitmap = $null
- $doc = new-object System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument
- # if printer name not given, use default printer
- if ($printer -ne "") {
- $doc.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = $printer
- }
- $doc.DocumentName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($imageName)
- $doc.add_BeginPrint({
- Write-Host "==================== $($doc.DocumentName) ===================="
- })
- # clean up after printing...
- $doc.add_EndPrint({
- if ($bitmap -ne $null) {
- $bitmap.Dispose()
- $bitmap = $null
- }
- Write-Host "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx $($doc.DocumentName) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
- })
- # Adjust image size to fit into paper and print image
- $doc.add_PrintPage({
- Write-Host "Printing $imageName..."
- $g = $_.Graphics
- $pageBounds = $_.MarginBounds
- $img = new-object Drawing.Bitmap($imageName)
- $adjustedImageSize = $img.Size
- $ratio = [double] 1;
- # Adjust image size to fit on the paper
- if ($fitImageToPaper) {
- $fitWidth = [bool] ($img.Size.Width > $img.Size.Height)
- if (($img.Size.Width -le $_.MarginBounds.Width) -and
- ($img.Size.Height -le $_.MarginBounds.Height)) {
- $adjustedImageSize = new-object System.Drawing.SizeF($img.Size.Width, $img.Size.Height)
- } else {
- if ($fitWidth) {
- $ratio = [double] ($_.MarginBounds.Width / $img.Size.Width);
- } else {
- $ratio = [double] ($_.MarginBounds.Height / $img.Size.Height)
- }
- $adjustedImageSize = new-object System.Drawing.SizeF($_.MarginBounds.Width, [float]($img.Size.Height * $ratio))
- }
- }
- # calculate destination and source sizes
- $recDest = new-object Drawing.RectangleF($pageBounds.Location, $adjustedImageSize)
- $recSrc = new-object Drawing.RectangleF(0, 0, $img.Width, $img.Height)
- # Print to the paper
- $_.Graphics.DrawImage($img, $recDest, $recSrc, [Drawing.GraphicsUnit]"Pixel")
- $_.HasMorePages = $false; # nothing else to print
- })
- $doc.Print()
- }
- #修改图片路径在这里
- dir c:\*.jpg -Recurse | %{print-image $_}
作者: gxp181 时间: 2019-2-27 14:08
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