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标题: [工具合集] 系统综合类工具: cax.exe [打印本页]

作者: pusofalse    时间: 2008-11-5 23:54     标题: 系统综合类工具: cax.exe
  1. Comandiux: a command line Angeliux ?treeumph Y2k7.
  2. On command line type command and its parameters eg: /wnc Notepad "Untitled - Notepad"
  3. General purpose:
  4. /???        - ask, next parameter is text followed by another commands, if answer is NO, program ends
  5. /BEEP        - PC speaker beep
  6. /BEPL        - play windows default beep
  7. /WAPL        - play wav file
  8. /MVOLUME:0-65535        - set master volume (mixer 0) {use "/MVOLUME:R-10000" do decrease by 10000}
  9. /MVOLUME1:0-65535        - set master volume on mixer 1
  10. /MVOLUME2:0-65535        - set master volume on mixer 2
  11. /MVOLUME3:0-65535        - set master volume on mixer 3
  12. /MVOLUME4:0-65535        - set master volume on mixer 4
  13. /MIXERS        - list Mixer devices, volume and name
  14. /SAVER        - Run Screen saver
  15. /ENSAVER        - Enable Screen saver
  16. /DISSAVER        - Disable Screen saver
  17. /SHOWDESK        - Show Desktop
  18. /RESTDESK        - Restore desktop windows
  19. /NMLO        - Set Num Lock On (only on WinNT / Win2k / XP)
  20. /NOW file text        - Write date, time and text to file ("-" - means no text)
  21. /MOFF!        - Turn Monitor OFF. Use Carefully!
  22. /MON!        - Turn Monitor ON
  23. /HOTKEY AS:122        - Wait for hotkey ALT+SHIFT+F11 and continue with next parameter (Alt, Control, Shift, Win_key):Virtual_key_code
  24. /UNTIL 22:30        - Wait until time specified in 24 hour format, continues by next parameter
  25. /VWAIT:120 text        - Show Wait window with text, next command follows
  26. /WAIT:5        - Wait 5 seconds, unvisible
  27. /CYCLE:20        - repeat action from next parameter, timeout Seconds/10
  28.           not working with file operations (copy, delete, move, run, execute)
  29. /REPEAT:2        - repeat commands from parameter 2 on command line (/vwait:4 par1 /vwait:6 par4 /repeat:3 - repeat commands from /vwait:6 including)
  30.           use Cax.exe /winclose ".Comandiux*" to stop this loop
  31. /MEMFREE:10        - free 10% or RAM
  32. /.MANIFEST        - create Comandiux .Manifest file for Windows XP
  33. /REGISTEREXE        - register Comandiux program in registry path
  34.           HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Cax.exe
  35.           HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Cax.exe
  36. Services / drivers
  37. /SVC~I        - install Comandiux service, manual start
  38. /SVC~IA        - install Comandiux service, automatic start
  39. /SVC~R        - run as service
  40. /SVC~U        - uninstall Comandiux service
  41. /SVC~NAME:name        - service name to install/uninstall
  42. /SVC~DISP:name        - service display name to install/uninstall
  43. /SVC~PARAM        - parameters used to start service (all strings after this parameter are parsed as service parameters)
  44.         /SVC~I /SVC~NAME:MyService /SVC~DISP:"My first service" /SVC~PARAM /rumw program.exe parameter_one parameter_two
  45.         /SVC~U /SVC~NAME:MyService
  46.    in registry \\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MyService, you can change other service parameters
  47. /SVCLIST        - list all known services and drivers
  48. /SVCSVCLIST        - list all services
  49. /SVCDRVLIST        - list all drivers
  50. /SVCSTOP name        - stop service
  51. /SVCSTART name        - start service
  52. Devices
  53. /DEVLIST        - list all installed devices on machine
  54. /DEVEJIN        - Eject device by InstanceID
  55. /DEVEJDN        - Eject by DeviceName
  56. /DEVEJDI        - Eject by DeviceID
  57. /DEVEJDP        - Eject by DeviceParent
  58. /DEVDSIN        - Disable device by InstanceID
  59. /DEVDSDN        - Disable by DeviceName
  60. /DEVDSDI        - Disable by DeviceID
  61. /DEVDSDP        - Disable by DeviceParent
  62. /DEVENIN        - Enable device by InstanceID
  63. /DEVENDN        - Enable by DeviceName
  64. /DEVENDI        - Enable by DeviceID      
  65. /DEVENDP        - Enable by DeviceParent
  66. Windows / machine controlling:
  67. /DARD        - Disconnect this remote session, with ask
  68. /DRD        - Disconnect this remote session
  69. /DWH        - Hibernate computer
  70. /DAWH        - Hibernate with ask
  71. /DWC        - Close Windows, Power off
  72. /DAWC        - Close windows with ask, Power off
  73. /LOCKW        - Lock Workstation
  74. /DWL        - Log off
  75. /DAWL        - Log off with ask
  76. /DFL        - Force Log Off
  77. /DAFL        - Force Log Off with ask
  78. /DWR        - Reboot computer
  79. /DAWR        - Reboot computer with ask
  80. /DFR        - Force reboot
  81. /DAFR        - Force reboot with ask
  82. /DWS        - Suspend computer
  83. /DAWS        - Suspend with ask
  84. /DWNP        - ShutDown, No Power Off
  85. /DHFS        - ShutDown Force If Hung, Power off
  86. /DAHFS        - ShutDown Force If Hung with Ask, Power off
  87. /DAFS        - Force ShutDown with ask, Power off
  88. /DFS        - Force ShutDown, Power off
  89. /DESR        - Emergency force reboot, no ask!
  90. /DESS        - Emergency force ShutDown, Power off, no ask!
  91. /SHUTDOWNINIT        - initiate system shutdown: /shutdowninit machine timeout message forceY/N rebootY/N
  92.         /shutdowninit SERVER 230 "SERVER will reboot in 230 seconds" N Y
  93. /SHUTDOWNABORT        - abort system shutdown: /shutdownabort machine ("-" means local machine)
  94. Message boxes (result are returned as errorlevel, refer to MSDN MessageBox function):
  95. /MSG        - Messagebox "OK"
  96. /MSC        - Messagebox "OK Cancel"
  97. /MSR        - Messagebox "Abort Retry Ignore"
  98. /MSN        - Messagebox "Yes No Cancel"
  99. /MSY        - Messagebox "Yes No"
  100. /MSRC        - Messagebox "Retry Cancel"
  101. /MSIG        - Messagebox "OK", Comandiux continues with next parameter, otherwise ends
  102. /MSIC        - Messagebox "OK Cancel", if "OK" Comandiux continues with next parameter, otherwise ends
  103. /MSIY        - Messagebox "Yes No", if "YES" Comandiux continues with next parameter, otherwise ends
  105. Message window:
  106. /MSWT        - Show text in message window
  107. /MSWC        - Close message window
  108. /MSWU        - Add text to message window
  109. /TELL 20 text        - Shows small window in screen center for seconds/10
  110. /TELT        - same as above plus show countdown
  111. On Screen display OSD:
  112. /OSDTEXT 50 text        - Shows lime osd text bottom on screen (timeout seconds/10 ), 0 means wait forever, /osdtext 100 "Lime Message"
  113. /OSDRTF  50 Rich        - shows Rich formated text, /osdrtf 100 "{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fprq2 Verdana;}}{\colortbl ;\red0\green255\blue0;}{\uc1\pard\qc\cf1\b\f0\fs72 TEXT to SHOW \cf0\b0\par}"
  114. /OSDFILE 50 file        - shows text or rtf file content as OSD message, when create RTF, align to center
  115. /OSDTOP 20        - Top position of OSD, 5-32000
  116. /OSDRECYCLE        - reuse OSD window, must be specified before any other /OSD... "/OSDRECYCLE /osdtext 10 %!clock!% /repeat:2"
  117. /CLASSCLOSE ~treeumphOSD        - remove OSD manually
  118. Aplication / windows:
  119. /CAXLIST        - list all running copies of Comandiux with their command lines
  120. /WNC        - Close window (class name or "-") {window name or "-"} or use #000234 (#$004ab for hexa) as window hadle number, window name as "-" must be in this case
  121. /WNT        - Destroy window (class name or "-") {window name or "-"} or number #...
  122. /WNH        - Hide window ...
  123. /WNS        - Show window ...
  124. /WND        - Disable window ...
  125. /WNE        - Enable window ...
  126. /WNM        - Minimize window ...
  127. /WNX        - Maximize window ...
  128. /WNR        - Restore window ...
  129. /WNN        - Show window normal ...
  130. /WNZT        - Set window topmost (stay on top) ...
  131. /WNZN        - Set window not topmost ...
  132. /WNZA        - Activate window (bring to front, set focus) ...
  133. /WNZB        - Send window to back (bottom) ...
  134. /WINLIST        - show applications windows, (Unicode Enabled disabled Visible hidden mInimized Maximized Parent child)
  135. /WINLISTA        - show applications windows including windows without caption / text
  136. /WINPRIO1-6        - set process  by window priority /winprio3 Calculator (1-6 = idle, below, normal abowe, high, realtime){2,4 only on win2k, XP}
  137. /WINTRANSP         - set window transparency (0=transparent, 255 = opaque) /wintransp 180 Calc*
  138. /WINTRCL        - set window color transparent (colorvalue, prefix $0 means HEX) /wintransp $0c0c0c0 Calculator
  139. /WINCLOSE        - close all windows title matches parameter /winclose "Untitled - Notepad"
  140. /WINDESTROY        - destroy all windows title matches parameter /windestroy Untitle*
  141. /CLASSPRIO1-6        - set process  by window priority /classprio3 SciCalc (1-6 = idle, below, normal abowe, high, realtime){2,4 only on win2k, XP}
  142. /CLASSTRANSP         - set window transparency by class name (0=transparent, 255 = opaque) /classtransp 255 SciCalc
  143. /CLASSTRCL        - set window color transparent by class (colorvalue, prefix $0 means HEX) /wintransp $0c0c0c0 SciCalc
  144. /CLASSCLOSE        - close all windows class matches parameter /classclose *pad
  145. /CLASSDESTROY        - close all windows class matches parameter /classdestroy winh*
  146. /WINMSGSEND        - Send message to window and shows result(WindowName, Message, Wparam, Lparam) /WinMsgSend Calculator 16 0 0
  147. /WINMSGPOST        - Post message to window (WindowName, Message, Wparam, Lparam) /WinMsgPost Calculator 16 0 0
  148. /CLASSMSGSEND        - Send message to window and shows result(WindowClass, Message, Wparam, Lparam) /ClassMsgSend SciCalc 16 0 0
  149. /CLASSMSGPOST        - Post message to window (WindowClass, Message, Wparam, Lparam) /ClassMsgPost SciCalc 16 0 0
  150. Program / process:
  151. /RUN        - Run apl normal
  152. /RUM        - Run apl minimized
  153. /RUH        - Run apl hidden
  154. /RUX        - Run apl maximized
  155. /RU?W        - run as previous, but wait for program ends (/runw, /rumw, ...)
  156. /VERB:         - verb for ShellExecute, specify before "/RUN", (cax.exe /verb:print /run "c:\myfile.txt"), default is 'OPEN'
  157. /PRIO:1-6        - adjust process priority for ShellExecute (/prio:3 /run calc.exe)
  158. /ASUSER        - run as an user, (specify: user_name domain password program) eg.: (cax.exe /asuser peter - - notepad.exe c:\logfile.txt), Comandiux ends after and returns Errorlevel value
  159. /PRCLIST        - show all running processes
  160. /PRCMODLIST        - show all running processes and their modules
  161. /PRCSCAN        - scan for all processes
  162. /PRCPRIO1-6        - set process priority /prcprio3 calc.exe (1-6 = idle, below, normal abowe, high, realtime){2,4 only on win2k, XP}
  163. /KILLPRC file        - kill first process matches parameter /killprc notepad.exe
  164. /KILLALL         - kill all processes matches parameter /killall winh*
  165. /KILLLAST        - kill last process matches parameter /killlast *pad
  166. /KILLID id        - kill by process ID /killid 00f3
  167. /KILLUSER name        - kill all processes by user name /killuser Administ*
  168. File, disk:
  169. /PROP        - Display properties of object
  170. /DDEL        - Delete file or dir (to Recycle Bin)
  171. /DEL        - Delete file or dir with ask (to Recycle Bin)
  172. /REM        - Remove file or dir with ask
  173. /DREM        - Remove file or dir
  174. /CPY        - Copy file or directory, (/CPY source target)
  175. /CPA        - Copy with ask
  176. /CPD        - Copy directly (no ask for overwrite, etc..)
  177. /CPH        - Copy hidden
  178. /MVE        - Move file or directory
  179. /MVA        - Move with ask
  180. /MVD        - Move directly (no ask for overwrite, etc..)
  181. /MVH        - Move hidden
  182. /RNM        - Rename file or directory
  183. /RNA        - Rename with ask
  184. /RND        - Rename directly (no ask for overwrite, etc..)
  185. /RNH        - Rename hidden
  186. /NETA        - Add network connection eg.: \\server\disk1 s:
  187. /NETD        - Delete network connection s:
  188. /REPLACE        - Replace file on next reboot, user must be in an administrator's group (/REPLACE sourcefile new_name)
  189. /HARDLINK        - Creates hard link, both files must be on same drive (/HARDLINK new_file_name existing_file)
  190. /DSKEJ:x        - Eject drive X:
  191. /DSKFEJ:x        - Force Eject drive X:
  192. /DSKCL:y        - Close drive Y:
  193. /DSKFCL:y        - Force Close drive Y:
  194. /DSKLCK:s        - lock removal of drive S:
  195. /DSKUNL:s        - unlock removal of drive S:
  196. /WAITDIRC        - wait for directory change
  197. /WAITDIRSC        - wait for directory and subdirs change
  198. /DRVLIST        - List all drives in system, with network user name
  199. /GETNETUSER        - get user name for network resource (\\\ipc$, \\computer\share)
  200. /MD5FILE        - calculate MD5 hash and write output to .md5 file (cax.exe /MD5FILE file.iso [ouputdir or -])
  201. /SHA1FILE        - calculate SHA1 hash and write output to .sha1 file (cax.exe /SHA1FILE file.iso [ouputdir or -])
  202. /FILEOF_NOSECATTR        - for copy, move or rename operation add flag: FOF_NOCOPYSECURITYATTRIBS
  203. /FILEOF_NOCONELEM        - for copy, move or rename operation add flag: FOF_NO_CONNECTED_ELEMENTS
  204. /FILEOF_NORECURSION        - for copy, move or rename operation add flag: FOF_NORECURSION
  205. /FILEOF_FILESONLY        - for copy, move or rename operation add flag: FOF_FILESONLY
  206. ********************************************************************************
  207. Variables, use on command line, Windows variables works also
  208. %!TICK!%        - decimal value from gettickcount
  209. %!HTICK!%        - hexadecimal value from gettickcount
  210. %!CLOCK!%        - time HH:MM:SS
  211. %!TIME!%        - time HH-MM-SS
  212. %!T100!%        - time with 1/100 of second
  213. %!HOUR!%        - hour
  214. %!MIN!%        - minute
  215. %!SEC!%        - seconds
  216. %!DATE!%        - date YYYY-MM-DD
  217. %!YEAR!%        - year
  218. %!MON!%        - month
  219. %!DAY!%        - day
  220. %!DAYN!%        - name of day
  221. %!MONN!%        - name of month
  222. %!FMEM!%        - free memory in MB
  223. %!UNAME!%        - user name
  224. %!CNAME!%        - computer name
  225. %!IPADS!%        - IP adresses
  226. %!CDRIVE!%        - current drive
  227. %!CDIR!%        - current drive and directory
  228. %!SDRIVE!%        - starting drive of Comandiux
  229. %!SDIR!%        - starting drive and directory of Comandiux
  230. %!FILE:fname!%        - first line from file "fname" (cax.exe /msg "%!file:D:\temp\My text file.txt!%")
  231. ********************************************************************************
  232. /VERBOSEN        - don't display any error
  233. /VERBOSE0        - normal level of error reports (default)
  234. /VERBOSE1        - show error reports
  235. "-" means Empty parameter in some case
  236. "\n" new line (CRLF)
  237. "\t" TAB
  238. use > or >> to redirect some outputs to file, >! and >>! writes time stamp to file
  239. cax.exe /devlist ^>c:\cax_device_dump.txt
  240. Escape character "^" must be used in CMD window or batch files, otherwise not.
  241. For append use "^>^>"!
  242. remove Hacker Defender service: "cax.exe /svc~u /svc~name:HackerDefender100"
  243. close all copies of Comandiux: "cax.exe /CLASSCLOSE .!Comandiux~main~window"
  245. *******************************************************************************
  246. Key combinations in main window
  247. [Ctrl + F11]   - show messages
  248. [Alt + F]      - find in help window (type text to command line)
  249. [Alt + N]      - find next
  250. Any comment / question? Contact author!
  251. Email:      
  252. Comandiux home:      
  253. For gui version visit Angeliux home:
  254. Some features are not working on 9x architecture.
  255. Warning! We are not guarantee any damage caused this program!
  1. cax.exe /osdtext 50 ""
  2. :: 屏幕输出, 延时5s.
  3. cax.exe /osdfile 100 "test.x"
  4. :: 屏幕输出test.x中的内容, 延时10s.
  5. cax.exe /until 22:20 /osdtext 10 %!clock!% /repeat:3
  6. :: 22:20开始, 实时输出系统时间,%!clock!%是cax的变量,不必事先定义,此处需注意在bat中的使用。
  7. /repeat:3 重复执行第3个参数以后的命令,包括第3个参数,即:/osdtext 10 %!clock!% /repeat:3。
  8. 如果是/repeat:2,则会出错,因为第二个参数是22:20,它并不是cax.exe的内置参数。
  9. cax.exe /svclist
  10. ::通过对话框形式显示服务列表。
  11. cax.exe /svclist ^>svclist.x
  12. :: 将服务列表输出到svclist.x,注意转义字符^。
  13. cax.exe /run notepad.exe
  14. ::运行记事本
  15. cax.exe /rum notepad.exe
  16. :: 运行记事本并最小化,最大化则是/rux
  17. cax.exe /md5file file
  18. :: 计算file的md5值,会在当前目录生成一个file.md5的文件,存储相关信息。
  19. cax.exe /md5file file c:\
  20. :: 将file.md5存储到c:\
  21. cax.exe /killprc notepad.exe
  22. :: 结束匹配到的第一个notepad.exe进程
  23. cax.exe /killall note*
  24. :: 结束匹配到的所有note*进程。
  25. cax.exe /prop c:\
  26. :: 打开c:\属性对话框

作者: jellyhk    时间: 2008-11-6 00:38

作者: 心愿怕人    时间: 2009-2-2 13:59

作者: ynkm0871    时间: 2009-6-13 11:46

作者: vlem    时间: 2009-7-30 15:43

作者: gzxzw    时间: 2009-10-27 00:50

作者: laihaibin08    时间: 2010-6-9 13:58

作者: plo2553642    时间: 2010-12-15 08:53

作者: ywq111    时间: 2011-1-18 21:06

作者: 牟头人    时间: 2011-6-17 09:52

作者: goldensjq    时间: 2011-6-18 21:04

作者: garyng    时间: 2011-8-9 18:22

作者: clonecd    时间: 2012-5-20 00:04

作者: LIBatch    时间: 2016-6-17 18:42

作者: 101    时间: 2022-12-27 10:21


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