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标题: [其他] 每天一文:for命令微软官网翻译。12.11.15 [打印本页]

作者: silience    时间: 2012-11-15 12:43     标题: 每天一文:for命令微软官网翻译。12.11.15

for命令着实话费了我不少功夫,由于该命令的重要性 我是每一句话都思考再三应该怎么翻译才敲定最终版本的。
老规矩 该命令的任何问题在回帖中提问,即使我不会版主也会回答的。。。


Runs a specified command for each file in a set of files.

for {%%|%}<Variable> in (<Set>) do <Command> [<CommandLineOptions>]


Parameter                                                           Description
参数                                                                        描述

{%%|%}<变量>                                                       Required. Represents a replaceable parameter. Use a single percent sign (%)to carry out the for command at the command prompt.
                                                                       Use double percent signs (%%) to carry out the for  command within a batch file. Variables are case sensitive, and they must be
                                                                       represented with an alphabetical value such as %A, %B, or %C.
(<Set>)                                                               Required. Specifies one or more files, directories, or text strings, or a range of values on which to run the command. The parentheses are required.
<Command>                                                       Required. Specifies the command that you want to carry out on each file, directory, or text string, or on the range of values included in Set.
<CommandLineOptions>                                              Specifies any command-line options that you want to use with the specified command.
/?                                                                       Displays help at the command prompt.

•        Using for

You can use the for command within a batch file or directly from the command prompt.

•        Using batch parameters

The following attributes apply to the for command:


•        The for command replaces %Variable or %%Variable with each text string in the specified set until the specified command processes all of the files.

•        Variable names are case sensitive, global, and no more than 52 can be active at a time.

•        To avoid confusion with the batch parameters %0 through %9, you can use any character for Variable except the numerals 0 through 9. For simple batch files, a single character such as %%f will work.

•        You can use multiple values for Variable in complex batch files to distinguish different replaceable variables.

•        Specifying a group of files

The Set parameter can represent a single group of files or several groups of files. You can use wildcard characters (* and ?) to specify a file set. The following are valid file sets:
•        (*.doc)
•        (*.doc *.txt *.me)
•        (jan*.doc jan*.rpt feb*.doc feb*.rpt)
•        (ar??1991.* ap??1991.*)

When you use the for command, the first value
in Set replaces %Variable or %%Variable, and then the specified command processesin Set replaces %Variable or %%Variable, and then the specified command processes this value. This continues until all of the files (or groups of files) that correspond to
the Setvalue are processed.

•        Using the in and do keywords

In and do are not parameters, but you must use them with for. If you omit either of these keywords, an error message appears.

•        Using additional forms of for

If command extensions are enabled (that is the default), the following additional forms of for are supported:

•        Directories only

If Set contains wildcard characters (* or ?), the specified Command executes for each directory (instead of a set of files in a specified directory) that matches Set.

The syntax is:
•        for /d {%%|%}<Variable> in (<Set>) do <Command> [<CommandLineOptions>]

•        Recursive

Walks the directory tree that is rooted at Driveath and executes the for statement in each directory of the tree. If no directory is specified after /r, the current directory is used as the root directory. If Set is just a single period (.), it only enumerates the directory tree.

The syntax is:
•        for /r [[<Drive>:]<ath>] {%%|%}<Variable> in (<Set>) do <Command> [<CommandLineOptions>]

•        Iterating a range of values
Use an iterative variable to set the starting value (Start#) and then step through a set range of values until the value exceeds the set ending value (End#). /l will execute the iterative by comparing Start# with End#. IfStart# is less than End# the command will execute. When the iterative variable exceeds End#, the command shell exits the loop. You can also use a negative Step# to step through a range in decreasing values. For example, (1,1,5) generates the sequence 1 2 3 4 5 and (5,-1,1) generates the sequence 5 4 3 2 1.
使用迭代变量来设置开始值然后在值的范围内增长直到超过结束值。/l将会执行这个重复通过比较开始值和结束值。如果开始值小于结束值,命令行将会执行。当迭代变量超过结束值时命令行会退出循环。你也可以使用负数作为step来反向增长数值。例如(1,1,5)形成数列1 2 3 4 5然而(5,-1,1)形成数列5 4 3 2 1

The syntax is:
•        for /l {%%|%}<Variable> in (<Start#>,<Step#>,<End#>) do <Command> [<CommandLineOptions>]

•        Iterating and file parsing

Use file parsing to process command output, strings, and file content. Use iterative variables to define the content or strings that you want to examine, and use the various ParsingKeywords options to further modify the parsing. Use the ParsingKeywords token option to specify which tokens should be passed as iterative variables. Note that when used without the token option, /f will only examine the first token.

File parsing consists of reading the output, string, or file content, and then breaking it into individual lines of text and parsing each line into zero or more tokens. The for loop is then called with the iterative variable value set to the token. By default, /f passes the first blank separated token from each line of each file. Blank lines are skipped.

The syntaxes are:
•        for /f ["<ParsingKeywords>"] {%%|%}<Variable> in (<Set>) do <Command> [<CommandLineOptions>]
•        for /f ["ParsingKeywords"] {%%|%}<Variable> in ("<LiteralString>") do <Command> [<CommandLineOptions>]
•        for /f ["<ParsingKeywords>"] {%%|%}<Variable> in ('<Command>') do <Command> [<CommandLineOptions>]

The Set argument specifies one or more file names. Each file is opened, read, and processed before moving to the next file in Set. To override the default parsing
behavior, specify ParsingKeywords. This is a quoted string that contains one or
more keywords to specify different parsing options.
set参数指定一个或多个文件名称。在继续到set中的下一个文件之前,每个文件都会被打开、读取和处理。为了覆盖默认解析选项,自己设定 "ParsingKeywords

If you use the usebackq option, use one of the following syntaxes:

for /f ["usebackq <ParsingKeywords>"] {%%|%}<Variable> in (<Set>) do <Command> [<CommandLineOptions>]
for /f ["usebackq <ParsingKeywords>"] {%%|%}<Variable> in ("<LiteralString>") do <Command> [<CommandLineOptions>]

for /f ["usebackq <ParsingKeywords>"] {%%|%}<Variable> in ('<Command>') do <Command> [<CommandLineOptions>]

The following table lists the parsing keywords that you can use
for ParsingKeywords.

Keyword                               Description
关键字                                描述
eol=<c>                                Specifies an end of line character (just one character).
skip=<N>                                 Specifies the number of lines to skip at the beginning of the file.
delims=<xxx>                         Specifies a delimiter set. This replaces the default delimiter set of space and tab.
tokens=<X,Y,M–N>                 Specifies which tokens from each line are to be passed to the for loop for each iteration. As a result, additional
                                         variable names are allocated. M–N specifies a range, from the Mth through the Nth tokens. If the last character in
                                         the tokens= string is an asterisk (*), an additional variable is allocated, and it receives the remaining text on the line after the last token that is parsed.
                                         确定每行的哪些项被取出传递给for循环中的每个迭代变量。当每行不止一个项时、剩余的项结果就分配给了附加变量。m-n 格式是一个范围,指定从第 m个 到 第n个项。如果 tokens=字符串中最后一个字符是星号 (*),

usebackq        Specifies to execute a back-quoted string as a command, and a single-quoted string as a literal string command. Also, allows file names in Set to be enclosed in quotation marks.

•        Variable substitution

The following table lists optional syntax (for any variable I).

Variable with modifier                                      Description
%~I                                                              Expands %I which removes any surrounding quotation marks (" ")
                                                              扩展%i删除任何引号(" ")
%~fI                                                              Expands %I to a fully qualified path name.
%~dI                                                              Expands %I to a drive letter only.
%~pI                                                              Expands %I to a path only.
%~nI                                                              Expands %I to a file name only.
%~xI                                                              Expands %I to a file name extension only.
%~sI                                                              Expands path to contain short names only.
%~aI                                                            Expands %I to the file attributes of file.
%~tI                                                              Expands %I to the date and time of file.
%~zI                                                           Expands %I to the size of the file.
%~$PATH:I                                                      Searches the directories listed in the PATH environment variable and expands %I to the fully qualified name of the first directory found.
                                                              If the environment variable name is not defined or the file is not found by the search, this modifier expands to the empty string.

The following table lists modifier combinations that you can use to get compound results.

Variable with combined modifiers                             Description
%~dpI                                                             Expands %I to a drive letter and path only.
%~nxI                                                             Expands %I to a file name and extension only.
%~fsI                                                             Expands %I to a full path name with short names only.
%~dp$PATH:I                                                     Searches the directories that are listed in the PATH environment variable for %I and expands to the drive letter and path of the first one found.
%~ftzaI                                                             Expands %I to an output line that is like dir.

In the above examples, you can replace %I and PATH with other valid values. A valid for variable name terminates the %~ syntax.


By using uppercase variable names such as %I, you can make your code more readable and avoid confusion with the modifiers, which are not case sensitive.
•        Parsing a string

You can use the for /f parsing logic on an immediate string by wrapping Set in single quotes--for example, ('Set'). Set is treated as a single line of input from a file, and then it is parsed.
你可以使用for /f解析逻辑对直接字符串进行解析。通过使用单引号将set括起来例如——(’set’).set会被当作从文件中的一行输入,然后进行解析。
•        Parsing output

You can use the for /f command to parse the output of a command by making a back-quoted string from the Set between the parentheses. It is treated as a command line, which is passed to a child Cmd.exe. The output is captured into memory and parsed as if it is a file.
你可以使用for /f命令通过使用后引号括起命令字符来解析命令输出.括号中的字符将会被当作命令行,传递给一个cmd.exe子程序,输出将会被抓取传递到内存然后当作文件传递。
To use for in a batch file, use the following syntax:
for {%%|%}<Variable> in (<Set>) do <Command> [<CommandLineOptions>]
To display the contents of all the files in the current directory that have the extension .doc or .txt by using the replaceable variable %f, type:
for %f in (*.doc *.txt) do type %f
In the preceding example, each file that has the .doc or .txt extension in the current directory is substituted for the %f variable until the contents of every file are displayed. To use this command in a batch file, replace every occurrence of %f with %%f. Otherwise, the variable is ignored and an error message is displayed.
To parse a file, ignoring commented lines, type:
for /f "eol=; tokens=2,3* delims=," %i in (myfile.txt) do @echo %i %j %k
This command parses each line in Myfile.txt. It ignores lines that begin with a semicolon and passes the second and third token from each line to the for body (tokens are delimited by commas or spaces). The body of the for statement references %i to get the second token, %j to get the third token, and %k to get all of the remaining tokens. If the file names that you supply contain spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "File Name"). To use quotation marks, you must use usebackq. Otherwise, the quotation marks are interpreted as defining a literal string to parse.
这个命令解析Myfile.txt文件中的每一行。它会忽略以分号开头的行并传递每一行的第二个和第三个项到for语句(每一项以空格和逗号分隔)。For语句引用%i来得到第二项,%j来得到第三项,%k得到剩余的所有项,如果你提供的文件名包含空格。使用引号标记在文件名字符的两边(例如,”文件 名”)。为了使用引号标记文件名,你必须使用usebackq。否则,引号标记部分被当作字符串来解析。
%i is explicitly declared in the for statement. %j and %k are implicitly declared by using tokens=. You can use tokens= to specify up to 26 tokens, provided that it does not cause an attempt to declare a variable higher than the letter "z" or "Z."
For语句中的%i是变量是明示出的,%j和%k变量通过使用tokens=赋值但并没有被明确显示。你可以使用tokens来指定最多26个项,提供的变量不会超过”z” 或者”Z”
The following example enumerates the environment variable names in the current environment. To parse the output of a command by placing Set between the parentheses, type:
for /f "usebackq delims==" %i in ('set') do @echo %i

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