- #!/bin/bash
- Width=44
- Height=18
- Score=0
- Level=1
- WinFlag=0
- SleepTime=100000
- Normal="\033[0m"
- Green="\033[1;37;42m"
- Red="\033[1;37;41m"
- Brown="\033[1;37;43m"
- Blue="\033[1;35m"
- Ching="\033[1;34m"
- HumanLen=8
- ((HumanXPos=Width/2))
- ((HumanYPos=Height+1))
- CompXPos=10
- CompYPos=2
- ((BallXPos=RANDOM%(Width-2)))
- ((BallYPos=RANDOM%10))
- [[ BallXPos -lt 7 ]] && ((BallXPos=7))
- [[ BallYPos -lt 3 ]] && ((BallYPos=3))
- BallXSpeed=1
- BallYSpeed=1
- BorderLeft=7
- ((BorderRight=Width-1))
- ((InfoX=BorderRight+6))
- ((BorderTop=CompYPos+2))
- ((AlertY=Height/2))
- ((AlertX=Width/2-3))
- function DrawSquare(){
- local PaddingLen i
- Item="$Normal $Green[]$Normal"
- ((PaddingLen=Width-4))
- Padding=""
- for((i=1;i<=PaddingLen;i+=2))
- do
- Padding=$Padding" "
- done
- Item=$Item$Padding"$Green[]$Normal"
- tput cup 2 4
- echo -e "$Green[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]$Normal"
- for((i=1;i<Height;i++))
- do
- echo -e "$Item"
- done
- tput cup 3 $InfoX
- echo -e "$Blue Score $Normal"
- tput cup 4 $InfoX
- echo -e "$Ching $Score $Normal"
- tput cup 5 $InfoX
- echo -e "$Blue Level $Normal"
- tput cup 6 $InfoX
- echo -e "$Ching $Level $Normal"
- tput cup 8 $InfoX
- echo -e "$Blue LEFT $Normal"
- tput cup 9 $InfoX
- echo -e "$Ching J $Normal"
- tput cup 10 $InfoX
- echo -e "$Blue RIGHT $Normal"
- tput cup 11 $InfoX
- echo -e "$Ching K $Normal"
- tput cup 12 $InfoX
- echo -e "$Blue EXIT $Normal"
- tput cup 13 $InfoX
- echo -e "$Ching Q $Normal"
- }
- function DrawBall(){
- local OldX OldY
- OldX=$BallXPos
- OldY=$BallYPos
- ((BallXPos=BallXPos+BallXSpeed))
- ((BallYPos=BallYPos+BallYSpeed))
- if [ $BallYPos -eq $((HumanYPos-1)) -a $BallXPos -gt $((HumanXPos-2)) -a $BallXPos -lt $((HumanXPos+HumanLen)) ]
- then
- ((BallYSpeed=-1))
- ((Score=Score+1))
- ((BallXPos=BallXPos+BallXSpeed))
- fi
- if [ $SleepTime -eq 0 ]
- then
- tput cup 12 $((Width/2-10))
- echo -e "$Red\033[37m Congratulations! $Normal"
- tput cup 13 $((Width/2-10))
- echo -e "$Red\033[37m You are the king of games! $Normal"
- exit 0
- fi
- if [ $Score -ne 0 -a $((Score%10)) -eq 0 ]
- then
- ((Level=Level+1))
- ((Score=Score+1))
- ((SleepTime=SleepTime-5000))
- fi
- if [ $BallYPos -lt $BorderTop ]
- then
- ((BallYSpeed=1))
- fi
- if [ $BallXPos -lt $BorderLeft ]
- then
- ((BallXSpeed=1))
- fi
- if [ $BallXPos -gt $BorderRight ]
- then
- ((BallXSpeed=-1))
- fi
- if [ $BallYPos -gt $HumanYPos ]
- then
- tput cup $AlertY $AlertX
- echo -e "$Red\033[37m GAME OVER $Normal"
- tput cup $((AlertY+1)) $AlertX
- echo -e "$Red\033[37m $Normal"
- tput cup $((AlertY+2)) $AlertX
- echo -e "$Red\033[37m Exit(q) $Normal"
- tput cup $((AlertY+3)) $AlertX
- echo -e "$Red\033[37m Continue(c) $Normal"
- exit 0
- fi
- tput cup 4 $InfoX
- echo -e "$Ching $Score $Normal"
- tput cup 6 $InfoX
- echo -e "$Ching $Level $Normal"
- tput cup $OldY 0
- echo -e "$Item"
- tput cup $BallYPos $BallXPos
- echo -e "$Normal$Red[]$Normal"
- }
- function DrawHuman(){
- tput cup $HumanYPos 6
- echo "$Padding"
- tput cup $HumanYPos $1
- echo -e "$Normal$Brown[][][][]$Normal"
- }
- function MoveHuman(){
- local sig Xmax
- ((Xmax=BorderRight-(HumanLen-2)))
- trap "sig=26" 26
- trap "sig=27" 27
- trap "sig=28" 28
- while :
- do
- DrawBall
- case $sig in
- 26)
- [[ HumanXPos -gt BorderLeft ]] && ((HumanXPos=HumanXPos-2)) && DrawHuman $HumanXPos
- ;;
- 27)
- [[ HumanXPos -lt Xmax ]] && ((HumanXPos=HumanXPos+2)) && DrawHuman $HumanXPos
- ;;
- 28)
- clear
- exit 0
- ;;
- esac
- #sig=0
- usleep $SleepTime
- done
- }
- function Restart(){
- tput cup $AlertY 6
- echo "$Padding"
- tput cup $((AlertY+1)) 6
- echo "$Padding"
- tput cup $((AlertY+2)) 6
- echo "$Padding"
- tput cup $((AlertY+3)) 6
- echo "$Padding"
- ((BallXPos=RANDOM%(Width-2)))
- ((BallYPos=RANDOM%10))
- [[ BallXPos -lt 7 ]] && ((BallXPos=7))
- [[ BallYPos -lt 3 ]] && ((BallYPos=3))
- SleepTime=100000
- DrawHuman $HumanXPos
- }
- clear
- Stty=`stty -g`
- echo -ne "\033[?25l"
- stty -echo
- DrawSquare
- DrawHuman $HumanXPos
- {
- MoveHuman
- } &
- while read -s -n 1 Key
- do
- case $Key in
- [jJ])
- kill -26 $! > /dev/null 2>&1
- ;;
- [kK])
- kill -27 $! > /dev/null 2>&1
- ;;
- [cC])
- if [ -z "`ps x | grep $! | grep -v "grep $!" | awk '{print $1}'`" ]
- then
- Restart
- {
- MoveHuman
- } &
- fi
- ;;
- [qQ])
- kill -28 $! > /dev/null 2>&1
- sleep 0.5
- echo -e "\033[?25h\033[${y};0H"
- stty $Stty
- clear
- exit 0
- ;;
- *)
- ;;
- esac
- done
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