本帖最后由 nwm310 于 2019-12-24 11:50 编辑
判斷 SJIS(ANSI)or UTF-8 or UTF-8 BOM
PowerShell 代碼- #932 shift_jis 936 gb2312 950 big5
- $ansi_codePage = 932
- $a1 = new-object System.Text.EncoderExceptionFallback
- $a2 = new-object System.Text.DecoderExceptionFallback
- $ansiEnc = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding($ansi_codePage, $a1, $a2)
- $utf8Enc = new-object System.Text.UTF8Encoding 0,1
- #====================
- foreach($file in dir *.txt){
- $fileEnc = 'unknown'
- if ($file.length -lt 3){"$file is too small"; continue }
- $bytes = [IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($file)
- if ('255 254' -eq $bytes[0..1]){
- $fileEnc = 'UTF-16 LE'
- }elseif('254 255' -eq $bytes[0..1]){
- $fileEnc = 'UTF-16 BE'
- }elseif('239 187 191' -eq $bytes[0..2]){
- $fileEnc = 'UTF-8 with BOM'
- }else{#========== ansi or utf-8 ================
- $isUTF8 = $isANSI = $true
- try {$ansiEnc.GetString($bytes) > $null} catch {$isANSI = $false}
- try {$utf8Enc.GetString($bytes) > $null} catch {$isUTF8 = $false}
- if ($isUTF8 -and !$isANSI){$fileEnc = 'UTF-8'}
- if (!$isUTF8 -and $isANSI){$fileEnc = 'ANSI'}
- if ($isUTF8 -and $isANSI){$fileEnc = 'ANSI and UTF-8'}
- }
- "$file is $fileEnc"
- }