[批处理精品]纯批处理备份&还原驱动[批处理精品]CMD命令50条不能说的秘密[在线下载]第三方命令行工具[在线帮助]VBScript / JScript 在线参考
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[其他] [分享]批处理滚动歌词

使用说明:    使用时仅需点击xxx歌词.bat文件,音乐会自动播放。
主程序代码(这里以《Into the Fire》这首歌为例):
Into the Fire 歌词.bat
  1. @echo off
  2. rem 闲得无聊,做了这个
  3. color 1f
  4. title Into the Fire 歌词
  5. call 1.vbs
  6. mode con lines=3 cols=40
  7. echo Into the Fire
  8. echo Thirteen Senses
  9. sleep 10
  10. cls
  11. echo 滚动歌词制作:dengyuli
  12. sleep 10
  13. cls
  14. echo QQ:756560020
  15. sleep 11
  16. cls
  17. echo ●●●
  18. sleep 1
  19. cls
  20. echo ●●
  21. sleep 1
  22. cls
  23. echo ●
  24. sleep 1
  25. cls
  26. echo.
  27. sleep 1
  28. cls
  29. echo Come on, come on
  30. echo 来吧,来吧
  31. sleep 3
  32. cls
  33. echo Put your hands into the fire
  34. echo 把手放入火中
  35. sleep 3
  36. cls
  37. echo Explain, explain
  38. echo 解释着
  39. sleep 2
  40. cls
  41. echo As I turn and meet the power
  42. echo 当我转身我遇见了力量
  43. sleep 3
  44. cls
  45. echo This time, this time
  46. echo 这时候
  47. sleep 2
  48. cls
  49. echo Turning white and senses dire
  50. echo 从纯洁到可怕
  51. sleep 3
  52. cls
  53. echo Pull up, pull up
  54. echo 停下
  55. sleep 2
  56. cls
  57. echo From one extreme to another
  58. echo 从一个极端到另一个极端
  59. sleep 3
  60. cls
  61. echo From the summer to the spring
  62. echo 从夏天到春天
  63. sleep 3
  64. cls
  65. echo From the mountain to the air
  66. echo 从高山到天空
  67. sleep 8
  68. cls
  69. echo From Samaritan to sin
  70. echo 从撒马利亚到罪恶
  71. sleep 3
  72. cls
  73. echo And it's waiting on the end
  74. echo 直到最终
  75. sleep 8
  76. cls
  77. sleep 11
  78. cls
  79. echo Come on, come on
  80. echo 来吧,来吧
  81. sleep 3
  82. cls
  83. echo Put your hands into the fire
  84. echo 把手放入火中
  85. sleep 3
  86. cls
  87. echo Explain, explain
  88. echo 解释着
  89. sleep 2
  90. cls
  91. echo As I turn and meet the power
  92. echo 当我转身我遇见了力量
  93. sleep 3
  94. cls
  95. echo This time, this time
  96. echo 这时候
  97. sleep 2
  98. cls
  99. echo Turning white and senses dire
  100. echo 从纯洁到可怕
  101. sleep 3
  102. cls
  103. echo Pull up, pull up
  104. echo 停下
  105. sleep 2
  106. cls
  107. echo From one extreme to another
  108. echo 从一个极端到另一个极端
  109. sleep 3
  110. cls
  111. echo From the summer to the spring
  112. echo 从夏天到春天
  113. sleep 3
  114. cls
  115. echo From the mountain to the air
  116. echo 从高山到天空
  117. sleep 8
  118. cls
  119. echo From Samaritan to sin
  120. echo 从撒马利亚到罪恶
  121. sleep 3
  122. cls
  123. echo And it's waiting on the end
  124. echo 直到最终
  125. sleep 8
  126. mode con lines=3 cols=55
  127. cls
  128. echo And now I'm alone I'm looking out, I'm looking in
  129. echo 现在我孤单,我照料,我寻找
  130. sleep 4
  131. mode con lines=3 cols=40
  132. cls
  133. echo Way down, the lights are dimmer
  134. echo 随着路的延伸,灯光越来越暗
  135. sleep 6
  136. mode con lines=3 cols=55
  137. cls
  138. echo And now I'm alone I'm looking out, I'm looking in
  139. echo 现在我孤单,我照料,我寻找
  140. sleep 5
  141. mode con lines=3 cols=40
  142. cls
  143. echo Way down, the lights are dimmer
  144. echo 随着路的延伸,灯光越来越暗
  145. sleep 6
  146. cls
  147. echo Ooooh…
  148. sleep 44
  149. cls
  150. echo Come on, come on
  151. echo 来吧,来吧
  152. sleep 3
  153. cls
  154. echo Put your hands into the fire
  155. echo 把手放入火中
  156. sleep 3
  157. cls
  158. echo Come on, come on
  159. echo 来吧,来吧
  160. sleep 4
  161. cls
  162. echo 感谢使用
  163. echo 作者:dengyuli
  164. sleep 5
  1. set ws=wscript.createobject("wscript.shell")
  2. ws.run "1.bat /start",0
  1. Dim objWord,colTasks,strName,wmp,aa,kmk,exit_err
  2. exit_err = 0
  3. strName = WScript.Arguments(0)
  4. Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
  5. Set colTasks = objWord.Tasks
  6. set wmp = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")
  7. wmp.settings.volume = WScript.Arguments(1)
  8. wmp.url = WScript.Arguments(2)
  9. wmp.uiMode = "Full"
  10. while wmp.playstate = 9
  11. wscript.sleep 50
  12. wend
  13. while wmp.playstate = 3
  14. If not colTasks.Exists(strName) Then
  15. for aa= 1 to 30
  16. kmk= 30 - aa
  17. kmk= kmk * 2
  18. wmp.settings.volume = kmk
  19. wscript.sleep 33
  20. next
  21. exit_err = 1
  22. wmp.controls.stop
  23. else
  24. wscript.sleep 200
  25. End If
  26. wend
  27. if exit_err = 0 then
  28. end if
  29. objWord.Quit
  1. @echo off
  2. for /f "skip=2" %%a in ('playmid.vbs "%g_name%" "50" "IntotheFire.mp3"') do (if "%%a" equ "cont" goto :endvbs)

