http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=3915485095&uk=1124163200- PictView32 1.14 - ultra-fast freeware image converter
- Copyright (c) 1994-2003 Jan Patera, support@pictview.com
- PictView can be called with parameters on the command line to convert images
- between different file formats:
- PVW32Con.exe File [Target_fmt] [--o Path] [--tX] [--xXX] [--yXX] [--k] [--g]
- [--cXX | -cfName | --24 | --32] [--pXX] [--sXX] [--i] [--ta] [--tp] [--tsX]
- [--h] [--v] [--rXXX] [--jh] [--jqXX] [--jsX]
- File - name and extension (may include a path) (wildcards may be used)
- of the file(s) to be converted.
- Target_fmt - a switch from the following table describing the target format:
- -a TrueVision Targa TGA -j JPEG -r SunRaster RAS
- -A PC Paint/Pictor PIC -k PBM/PGM/PNM/PPM -s ColorRIX SCX
- -c Dr.Halo/Dr.Genius CUT -l Amiga IFF/ILBM -S SKA Video renting box
- -C Autodesk Animator CEL -n Silicon Graphics IMG -t TIFF
- -e Intergraph Raster File -o OS/2 BitMap -u Utah RunLength Encoded
- -g GIF -p ZSoft PCX -w Windows BitMap
- -i MS Windows Icon -R Raw uncompressed data -W Wireless BitMap WBMP
- If no format is specified, only image info is displayed (no conversion)
- --cXXX - Reduces color palette to XXX colors
- --cfName - Convert to color palette stored in file Name
- --cu - Convert to uniform 216-color palette for web
- --24 - Convert to 24bit TrueColor
- --32 - Convert to 32bit TrueColor (with alpha)
- --g - Convert to grayscale
- --i - Create interlaced file (GIF)
- --o Path - Specifies output file name or path (if ended by \ or
- --pXXX - XXX is page/image of input file (1 is default), --pa for all pages
- --sX - X is compression: 0:raw, 1:RLE, 2ackBits, 3:Huffman, 4ZW, 5:JPG
- --tXXX - XXX specifies transparent color index in output GIF file
- --ta - Append as a new page to multipage TIFF
- --tp - Predict LZW-compressed TIFFs (usually smaller files)
- --tsXXX - XXX is TIF strip size in KB (default 8, max 64, 0 for single strip)
- --h - Horizontal mirror (left to right)
- --v - Vertical mirror (top to bottom)
- --rXXX - Rotation clockwise (XXX can be 90, 180, 270)
- Resizing (rescaling) of images:
- --x, --y - XXX is target width and/or height in pixels
- --k - Keep aspect ratio, if only one of --x and --y is specified
- JPEG options:
- --jh - Use high quality decoder (on read, slower)
- --jqXXX - Output image quality (1 worst, 100 best, 75 default)
- --jsXXX - Output subsampling (1: 1x1x1, 2: 2x1x1 - default, smaller files)
C:\>pvw32con 测*.gif
测.gif: 15x16, 8 colors, GIF89a, LZW
测试.gif: 31x16, 8 colors, GIF89a, LZW |