对于获取 ASCII 全范围(0x00 -- 0xFF)字符, 本论坛上原本就有一篇由 plp626 所发:
扩展ASCII码字符集0x00~0xff 批处理获取函数
本帖转载 dostips 上不同方式的实现
"Create nul and all ascii characters with only batch"
-- 译: 只用批处理生成 nul 和所有 ASCII 字符
其实 NUL (码值: 0) 也是一个 ASCII 字符, 只是由于它的特殊性和处理上的困难, 所以作者特别强调了一下吧.
先贴出两个提速稳定版: carlos 版 和 dbenham 版, 最后再贴出一个初始稳定版.
关于代码的详细说明, 请阅读 dostips 原帖, 转载到此, 主要为备份之用.
carlos 提速稳定版:- @echo off
- :gen255
- ::generates 0-255 .chr files that have 1 byte
- ::Teamwork of carlos, penpen, aGerman, dbenham, einstein1969
- ::Tested under Win8, WinXP(64mb)
- setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
- set "map=paddingpaddingpaddingpaddingpadding"
- set "map=%map%#$%%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<p>?@"
- set "map=%map%abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"
- set "map=%map: =%"
- set "gchr=(type nul >%%#.tmp"
- set "gchr=%gchr% & makecab /d compress=off"
- set "gchr=%gchr% /d reserveperfoldersize=%%#"
- set "gchr=%gchr% /d reserveperdatablocksize=26"
- set "gchr=%gchr% %%#.tmp %%#.chr 1>nul"
- set "gchr=%gchr% & type %%#.chr"
- set "gchr=%gchr% |((for /l %%_ in (1 1 38) do pause) 1>nul"
- set "gchr=%gchr% & findstr ^^^^ 1>%%#.tmp)"
- set "gchr=%gchr% & copy /y %%#.tmp /a %%#.chr /b 1>nul"
- set "gchr=%gchr% & del %%#.tmp)"
- set "gmap=for /l %%# in (35 1 126) do"
- set "gmap=%gmap% set /p "=!map:~%%#,1!" 0<nul 1>%%#.chr"
- set "new_thread=start /i /w /b cmd /a /q /d /c"
- if exist ???.chr del /a /f /q ???.chr
- %new_thread% "for /l %%# in (127 1 169) do %gchr%"
- %new_thread% "for /l %%# in (170 1 211) do %gchr%"
- %new_thread% "for /l %%# in (212 1 255) do %gchr%"
- for /l %%# in (0 1 34) do %gchr%
- cmd /a /v:on /q /d /c "%gmap%"
- :gen255w
- ping -l 0 -n 1 -w 100 >nul
- for %%# in (169.chr 211.chr 255.chr) do (
- if not exist %%# goto :gen255w
- if not "1"=="%%~z#" goto :gen255w)
- for %%# in (61) do %gchr%
- copy /y nul + nul /a 26.chr /a 1>nul
- goto :eof
复制代码 dbenham 提速稳定版:- @echo off
- setlocal
- :genAllChr
- ::This code creates 256 1 byte files, one for each possible byte value.
- ::This is encoded in a macro way to be called asynchronously with start cmd /c
- ::Teamwork of carlos, penpen, aGerman, dbenham, einstein1969
- ::Tested under Win7 and XP
- set ^"genchr=(^
- for /l %%N in (%%A !cnt! 255) do (^
- if %%N equ 26 (^
- copy /y nul + nul /a 26.chr /a ^>nul^
- ) else (if %%N geq 35 if %%N leq 126 if %%N neq 61 (^
- ^<nul set /p "=!ascii:~%%N,1!" ^>%%N.chr^
- ))^&^
- if not exist %%N.chr (^
- makecab /d compress=off /d reserveperdatablocksize=26 /d reserveperfoldersize=%%N %%A.tmp %%N.chr ^>nul^&^
- type %%N.chr ^| ((for /l %%n in (1 1 38) do pause)^>nul^&findstr "^^" ^>%%N.temp)^&^
- ^>nul copy /y %%N.temp /a %%N.chr /b^&^
- del %%N.temp^
- )^
- ))^&^
- del %%A.tmp^"
- del /f /q /a *.chr >nul 2>&1
- set "ascii= #$%%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"
- set /a cnt=number_of_processors
- if %cnt% lss 1 set cnt=1
- if %cnt% gtr 256 set cnt=256
- set /a "end=cnt-1"
- for /l %%A in (0 1 %end%) do (
- type nul >%%A.tmp
- if %%A equ %end% (
- cmd /q /v:on /c "%genchr%"
- ) else (
- start "" /b cmd /q /v:on /c "%genchr%"
- )
- )
- :genAllChr.check
- for /l %%N in (0 1 %end%) do if exist %%N.tmp goto :genAllChr.check
- exit /b
复制代码 初始稳定版:- REM This code creates 256 files containing one single Byte each from 0x00 until 0xFF
- REM Teamwork of carlos, penpen, aGerman, dbenham
- REM Tested under Win2000, XP, Win7, Win8
- @echo off
- setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
- 2>nul md "characters"
- pushd "characters"
- >"t.tmp" type nul
- set "hex=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F"
- for %%A in (%hex%) do for %%B in (%hex%) do (
- set /a "N=0x%%A%%B"
- >nul makecab /d compress=off /d reserveperfoldersize=!N! /d reserveperdatablocksize=26 "t.tmp" "%%A%%B.chr"
- type "%%A%%B.chr" | ((for /l %%N in (1 1 38) do pause)>nul&findstr "^">"temp.tmp")
- >nul copy /y "temp.tmp" /a "%%A%%B.chr" /b
- )
- >nul copy /y nul + nul /a "1A.chr" /a
- del "t.tmp" "temp.tmp"
- popd