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- 注册时间
- 2010-1-12
发表于 2010-3-30 11:53
| 只看该作者
谢谢 能不能把这个分成两个
Const ssfCONTROLS = 3
sConnectionName = "本地连接" '可改成需要控制的连接名称,如"无线网络连接"、"本地连接 2"等
sEnableVerb = "启用(&A)"
sDisableVerb = "停用(&B)"
set wmi = GetObject("winmgmts:")
set colSystem = wmi.ExecQuery("select * from Win32_OperatingSystem")
for each objSystem in colSystem
if Instr(UCase(objSystem.Caption),UCase("Windows XP")) then '如果系统是WinXP
sNetConnections = "网络连接"
sDisableVerb = "停用(&B)"
else '如果系统是Win2000
sNetConnections = "网络和拨号连接"
sDisableVerb = "禁用(&B)"
end if
set shellApp = createobject("shell.application")
set oControlPanel = shellApp.Namespace(ssfCONTROLS)
set oNetConnections = nothing
for each folderitem in oControlPanel.items
if folderitem.name = sNetConnections then
set oNetConnections = folderitem.getfolder
exit for
end if
if oNetConnections is nothing then
WScript.Echo "控制面板中未找到" & sNetConnections & "文件夹"
end if
set oLanConnection = nothing
for each folderitem in oNetConnections.items
'WScript.Echo folderitem.name
if lcase(folderitem.name) = lcase(sConnectionName) then
set oLanConnection = folderitem
exit for
end if
if oLanConnection is nothing then
WScript.Echo sNetConnections & "中未找到'" & sConnectionName & "'项目"
end if
bEnabled = true
set oEnableVerb = nothing
set oDisableVerb = nothing
s = "Verbs: " & vbcrlf
for each verb in oLanConnection.verbs
'WScript.Echo verb.name
's = s & vbcrlf & verb.name
if verb.name = sEnableVerb then
set oEnableVerb = verb
bEnabled = false
end if
if verb.name = sDisableVerb then
set oDisableVerb = verb
end if
'debugging displays left just in case...
'msgbox s ': wscript.quit
'msgbox "Enabled: " & bEnabled ': wscript.quit
'not sure why, but invokeverb always seemed to work
'for enable but not disable.
'saving a reference to the appropriate verb object
'and calling the DoIt method always seems to work.
if bEnabled then
' oLanConnection.invokeverb sDisableVerb
'if msgbox(sConnectionName & " 当前状态:已启用", 36, "是否停用")=vbYes then
' oLanConnection.invokeverb sEnableVerb
'if msgbox(sConnectionName & " 当前状态:已禁用", 36, "是否启用")=vbYes then
end if
'adjust the sleep duration below as needed...
'if you let the oLanConnection go out of scope
'and be destroyed too soon, the action of the verb
'may not take...
wscript.sleep 1000
set oNetConnections = nothing
set oLanConnection = nothing
set oEnableVerb = nothing
set oDisableVerb = nothing
启用和停用分开 |